美國國家選舉調查 1996¶
此資料是 1996 年美國國家選舉研究的子集。
Number of observations - 944
Number of variables - 10
Variables name definitions::
popul - Census place population in 1000s
TVnews - Number of times per week that respondent watches TV news.
PID - Party identification of respondent.
0 - Strong Democrat
1 - Weak Democrat
2 - Independent-Democrat
3 - Independent-Indpendent
4 - Independent-Republican
5 - Weak Republican
6 - Strong Republican
age : Age of respondent.
educ - Education level of respondent
1 - 1-8 grades
2 - Some high school
3 - High school graduate
4 - Some college
5 - College degree
6 - Master's degree
7 - PhD
income - Income of household
1 - None or less than $2,999
2 - $3,000-$4,999
3 - $5,000-$6,999
4 - $7,000-$8,999
5 - $9,000-$9,999
6 - $10,000-$10,999
7 - $11,000-$11,999
8 - $12,000-$12,999
9 - $13,000-$13,999
10 - $14,000-$14.999
11 - $15,000-$16,999
12 - $17,000-$19,999
13 - $20,000-$21,999
14 - $22,000-$24,999
15 - $25,000-$29,999
16 - $30,000-$34,999
17 - $35,000-$39,999
18 - $40,000-$44,999
19 - $45,000-$49,999
20 - $50,000-$59,999
21 - $60,000-$74,999
22 - $75,000-89,999
23 - $90,000-$104,999
24 - $105,000 and over
vote - Expected vote
0 - Clinton
1 - Dole
The following 3 variables all take the values:
1 - Extremely liberal
2 - Liberal
3 - Slightly liberal
4 - Moderate
5 - Slightly conservative
6 - Conservative
7 - Extremely Conservative
selfLR - Respondent's self-reported political leanings from "Left"
to "Right".
ClinLR - Respondents impression of Bill Clinton's political
leanings from "Left" to "Right".
DoleLR - Respondents impression of Bob Dole's political leanings
from "Left" to "Right".
logpopul - log(popul + .1)
上次更新:2024 年 10 月 03 日