1959 年第一季至 2009 年第三季的美國總體經濟數據
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觀測次數 - 203
變數數量 - 14
year - 1959q1 - 2009q3 quarter - 1-4 realgdp - Real gross domestic product (Bil. of chained 2005 US$, seasonally adjusted annual rate) realcons - Real personal consumption expenditures (Bil. of chained 2005 US$, seasonally adjusted annual rate) realinv - Real gross private domestic investment (Bil. of chained 2005 US$, seasonally adjusted annual rate) realgovt - Real federal consumption expenditures & gross investment (Bil. of chained 2005 US$, seasonally adjusted annual rate) realdpi - Real private disposable income (Bil. of chained 2005 US$, seasonally adjusted annual rate) cpi - End of the quarter consumer price index for all urban consumers: all items (1982-84 = 100, seasonally adjusted). m1 - End of the quarter M1 nominal money stock (Seasonally adjusted) tbilrate - Quarterly monthly average of the monthly 3-month treasury bill: secondary market rate unemp - Seasonally adjusted unemployment rate (%) pop - End of the quarter total population: all ages incl. armed forces over seas infl - Inflation rate (ln(cpi_{t}/cpi_{t-1}) * 400) realint - Real interest rate (tbilrate - infl)
由 Skipper Seabold 編譯。所有數據均來自聖路易聯邦儲備銀行 [1],失業率數據除外,該數據來自國家勞工統計局 [2]。
[1] Data Source: FRED, Federal Reserve Economic Data, Federal Reserve Bank of
St. Louis; http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/; accessed December 15,
[2] Data Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor;
http://www.bls.gov/data/; accessed December 15, 2009.
最後更新:2024 年 10 月 03 日