
狀態空間模型真正的威力在於允許建立和估計自訂模型。此筆記本展示了各種子類別 sm.tsa.statespace.MLEModel 的狀態空間模型。


\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} y_t & = Z_t \alpha_{t} + d_t + \varepsilon_t \\ \alpha_{t+1} & = T_t \alpha_{t} + c_t + R_t \eta_{t} \end{aligned}\end{split}\]


大多數模型不會包含所有這些元素。例如,設計矩陣 \(Z_t\) 可能不依賴時間 (\(\forall t \;Z_t = Z\)),或者模型不會有觀測截距 \(d_t\)


  • 模型 1:時變係數。一個觀測方程式和兩個狀態方程式

  • 模型 2:具有非單位轉換矩陣的時變參數

  • 模型 3:多個觀測和多個狀態方程式

  • 額外內容:使用 pymc3 進行貝氏估計

[ ]:
%matplotlib inline

from collections import OrderedDict

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm

plt.rc("figure", figsize=(16, 8))
plt.rc("font", size=15)

模型 1:時變係數

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} y_t & = d + x_t \beta_{x,t} + w_t \beta_{w,t} + \varepsilon_t \hspace{4em} \varepsilon_t \sim N(0, \sigma_\varepsilon^2)\\ \begin{bmatrix} \beta_{x,t} \\ \beta_{w,t} \end{bmatrix} & = \begin{bmatrix} \beta_{x,t-1} \\ \beta_{w,t-1} \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} \zeta_{x,t} \\ \zeta_{w,t} \end{bmatrix} \hspace{3.7em} \begin{bmatrix} \zeta_{x,t} \\ \zeta_{w,t} \end{bmatrix} \sim N \left ( \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix} \sigma_{\beta, x}^2 & 0 \\ 0 & \sigma_{\beta, w}^2 \end{bmatrix} \right ) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

觀察到的資料為 \(y_t, x_t, w_t\)。其中 \(x_t, w_t\) 為外生變數。請注意,設計矩陣是時變的,因此它將具有三個維度 (k_endog x k_states x nobs)

狀態為 \(\beta_{x,t}\)\(\beta_{w,t}\)。狀態方程式告訴我們,這些狀態會隨著隨機漫步而演變。因此,在此情況下,轉換矩陣是 2x2 的單位矩陣。


[ ]:
def gen_data_for_model1():
    nobs = 1000

    rs = np.random.RandomState(seed=93572)

    d = 5
    var_y = 5
    var_coeff_x = 0.01
    var_coeff_w = 0.5

    x_t = rs.uniform(size=nobs)
    w_t = rs.uniform(size=nobs)
    eps = rs.normal(scale=var_y ** 0.5, size=nobs)

    beta_x = np.cumsum(rs.normal(size=nobs, scale=var_coeff_x ** 0.5))
    beta_w = np.cumsum(rs.normal(size=nobs, scale=var_coeff_w ** 0.5))

    y_t = d + beta_x * x_t + beta_w * w_t + eps
    return y_t, x_t, w_t, beta_x, beta_w

y_t, x_t, w_t, beta_x, beta_w = gen_data_for_model1()
_ = plt.plot(y_t)
[ ]:
class TVRegression(sm.tsa.statespace.MLEModel):
    def __init__(self, y_t, x_t, w_t):
        exog = np.c_[x_t, w_t]  # shaped nobs x 2

        super(TVRegression, self).__init__(
            endog=y_t, exog=exog, k_states=2, initialization="diffuse"

        # Since the design matrix is time-varying, it must be
        # shaped k_endog x k_states x nobs
        # Notice that exog.T is shaped k_states x nobs, so we
        # just need to add a new first axis with shape 1
        self.ssm["design"] = exog.T[np.newaxis, :, :]  # shaped 1 x 2 x nobs
        self.ssm["selection"] = np.eye(self.k_states)
        self.ssm["transition"] = np.eye(self.k_states)

        # Which parameters need to be positive?
        self.positive_parameters = slice(1, 4)

    def param_names(self):
        return ["intercept", "var.e", "var.x.coeff", "var.w.coeff"]

    def start_params(self):
        Defines the starting values for the parameters
        The linear regression gives us reasonable starting values for the constant
        d and the variance of the epsilon error
        exog = sm.add_constant(self.exog)
        res = sm.OLS(self.endog, exog).fit()
        params = np.r_[res.params[0], res.scale, 0.001, 0.001]
        return params

    def transform_params(self, unconstrained):
        We constraint the last three parameters
        ('var.e', 'var.x.coeff', 'var.w.coeff') to be positive,
        because they are variances
        constrained = unconstrained.copy()
        constrained[self.positive_parameters] = (
            constrained[self.positive_parameters] ** 2
        return constrained

    def untransform_params(self, constrained):
        Need to unstransform all the parameters you transformed
        in the `transform_params` function
        unconstrained = constrained.copy()
        unconstrained[self.positive_parameters] = (
            unconstrained[self.positive_parameters] ** 0.5
        return unconstrained

    def update(self, params, **kwargs):
        params = super(TVRegression, self).update(params, **kwargs)

        self["obs_intercept", 0, 0] = params[0]
        self["obs_cov", 0, 0] = params[1]
        self["state_cov"] = np.diag(params[2:4])


[ ]:
mod = TVRegression(y_t, x_t, w_t)
res = mod.fit()



  • 截距 = 5

  • var.e = 5

  • var.x.coeff = 0.01

  • var.w.coeff = 0.5



[ ]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(16, 8))

ss = pd.DataFrame(res.smoothed_state.T, columns=["x", "w"])

axes[0].plot(beta_x, label="True")
axes[0].plot(ss["x"], label="Smoothed estimate")
axes[0].set(title="Time-varying coefficient on x_t")

axes[1].plot(beta_w, label="True")
axes[1].plot(ss["w"], label="Smoothed estimate")
axes[1].set(title="Time-varying coefficient on w_t")


模型 2:具有非單位轉換矩陣的時變參數

這是模型 1 的一個小延伸。我們將擁有一個具有兩個參數 (\(\rho_1, \rho_2\)) 的轉換矩陣,而不是單位轉換矩陣,我們需要估計這兩個參數。

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} y_t & = d + x_t \beta_{x,t} + w_t \beta_{w,t} + \varepsilon_t \hspace{4em} \varepsilon_t \sim N(0, \sigma_\varepsilon^2)\\ \begin{bmatrix} \beta_{x,t} \\ \beta_{w,t} \end{bmatrix} & = \begin{bmatrix} \rho_1 & 0 \\ 0 & \rho_2 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \beta_{x,t-1} \\ \beta_{w,t-1} \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} \zeta_{x,t} \\ \zeta_{w,t} \end{bmatrix} \hspace{3.7em} \begin{bmatrix} \zeta_{x,t} \\ \zeta_{w,t} \end{bmatrix} \sim N \left ( \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix} \sigma_{\beta, x}^2 & 0 \\ 0 & \sigma_{\beta, w}^2 \end{bmatrix} \right ) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

我們應該在先前的類別中修改什麼才能使事情正常運作?+ 好消息:不多!+ 壞消息:我們需要小心一些事情

1) 變更起始參數函式

我們需要為新參數 \(\rho_1, \rho_2\) 新增名稱,並且需要開始對應的起始值。

param_names 函式從以下變更:

def param_names(self):
    return ['intercept', 'var.e', 'var.x.coeff', 'var.w.coeff']

def param_names(self):
    return ['intercept', 'var.e', 'var.x.coeff', 'var.w.coeff',
           'rho1', 'rho2']

我們將 start_params 函式從以下變更:

def start_params(self):
    exog = sm.add_constant(self.exog)
    res = sm.OLS(self.endog, exog).fit()
    params = np.r_[res.params[0], res.scale, 0.001, 0.001]
    return params

def start_params(self):
    exog = sm.add_constant(self.exog)
    res = sm.OLS(self.endog, exog).fit()
    params = np.r_[res.params[0], res.scale, 0.001, 0.001, 0.8, 0.8]
    return params
  1. 變更 update 函式


def update(self, params, **kwargs):
    params = super(TVRegression, self).update(params, **kwargs)

    self['obs_intercept', 0, 0] = params[0]
    self['obs_cov', 0, 0] = params[1]
    self['state_cov'] = np.diag(params[2:4])

def update(self, params, **kwargs):
    params = super(TVRegression, self).update(params, **kwargs)

    self['obs_intercept', 0, 0] = params[0]
    self['obs_cov', 0, 0] = params[1]
    self['state_cov'] = np.diag(params[2:4])
    self['transition', 0, 0] = params[4]
    self['transition', 1, 1] = params[5]
  1. (選擇性) 變更 transform_paramsuntransform_params

這不是必需的,但您可能想限制 \(\rho_1, \rho_2\) 介於 -1 和 1 之間。在這種情況下,我們首先從 statsmodels 匯入兩個公用程式函式。

from statsmodels.tsa.statespace.tools import (
    constrain_stationary_univariate, unconstrain_stationary_univariate)

constrain_stationary_univariate 將值限制在 -1 和 1 之間。unconstrain_stationary_univariate 提供反函式。轉換和反轉換參數函式看起來會像這樣 (請記住,\(\rho_1, \rho_2\) 位於第 4 和第 5 個索引)

def transform_params(self, unconstrained):
    constrained = unconstrained.copy()
    constrained[self.positive_parameters] = constrained[self.positive_parameters]**2
    constrained[4] = constrain_stationary_univariate(constrained[4:5])
    constrained[5] = constrain_stationary_univariate(constrained[5:6])
    return constrained

def untransform_params(self, constrained):
    unconstrained = constrained.copy()
    unconstrained[self.positive_parameters] = unconstrained[self.positive_parameters]**0.5
    unconstrained[4] = unconstrain_stationary_univariate(constrained[4:5])
    unconstrained[5] = unconstrain_stationary_univariate(constrained[5:6])
    return unconstrained

我將在下方寫出完整的類別 (不包含我剛剛討論的可選變更)

[ ]:
class TVRegressionExtended(sm.tsa.statespace.MLEModel):
    def __init__(self, y_t, x_t, w_t):
        exog = np.c_[x_t, w_t]  # shaped nobs x 2

        super(TVRegressionExtended, self).__init__(
            endog=y_t, exog=exog, k_states=2, initialization="diffuse"

        # Since the design matrix is time-varying, it must be
        # shaped k_endog x k_states x nobs
        # Notice that exog.T is shaped k_states x nobs, so we
        # just need to add a new first axis with shape 1
        self.ssm["design"] = exog.T[np.newaxis, :, :]  # shaped 1 x 2 x nobs
        self.ssm["selection"] = np.eye(self.k_states)
        self.ssm["transition"] = np.eye(self.k_states)

        # Which parameters need to be positive?
        self.positive_parameters = slice(1, 4)

    def param_names(self):
        return ["intercept", "var.e", "var.x.coeff", "var.w.coeff", "rho1", "rho2"]

    def start_params(self):
        Defines the starting values for the parameters
        The linear regression gives us reasonable starting values for the constant
        d and the variance of the epsilon error

        exog = sm.add_constant(self.exog)
        res = sm.OLS(self.endog, exog).fit()
        params = np.r_[res.params[0], res.scale, 0.001, 0.001, 0.7, 0.8]
        return params

    def transform_params(self, unconstrained):
        We constraint the last three parameters
        ('var.e', 'var.x.coeff', 'var.w.coeff') to be positive,
        because they are variances
        constrained = unconstrained.copy()
        constrained[self.positive_parameters] = (
            constrained[self.positive_parameters] ** 2
        return constrained

    def untransform_params(self, constrained):
        Need to unstransform all the parameters you transformed
        in the `transform_params` function
        unconstrained = constrained.copy()
        unconstrained[self.positive_parameters] = (
            unconstrained[self.positive_parameters] ** 0.5
        return unconstrained

    def update(self, params, **kwargs):
        params = super(TVRegressionExtended, self).update(params, **kwargs)

        self["obs_intercept", 0, 0] = params[0]
        self["obs_cov", 0, 0] = params[1]
        self["state_cov"] = np.diag(params[2:4])
        self["transition", 0, 0] = params[4]
        self["transition", 1, 1] = params[5]

為了進行估計,我們將使用與模型 1 相同的資料,並預期 \(\rho_1, \rho_2\) 接近 1。

結果看起來相當不錯!請注意,此估計對 \(\rho_1, \rho_2\) 的起始值相當敏感。如果您嘗試較低的值,您會發現它無法收斂。

[ ]:
mod = TVRegressionExtended(y_t, x_t, w_t)
res = mod.fit(maxiter=2000)  # it doesn't converge with 50 iters

模型 3:多個觀測和狀態方程式



\(\hat{i_t}, \hat{M_t}, \hat{s_t}\) 每期都會被觀察到。


\[\hat{i_t} = \alpha_1 * \hat{s_t} + \varepsilon_1\]
\[\hat{M_t} = \alpha_2 + \varepsilon_2\]

依照狀態空間模型的一般符號,觀測方程式的內生部分為 \(y_t = (\hat{i_t}, \hat{M_t})\),我們只有一個外生變數 \(\hat{s_t}\)


\[\alpha_{1, t+1} = \delta_1 \alpha_{1, t} + \delta_2 \alpha_{2, t} + W_1\]
\[\alpha_{2, t+1} = \delta_3 \alpha_{2, t} + W_2\]


\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \begin{bmatrix} \hat{i_t} \\ \hat{M_t} \end{bmatrix} &= \begin{bmatrix} \hat{s_t} & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \alpha_{1, t} \\ \alpha_{2, t} \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} \varepsilon_{1, t} \\ \varepsilon_{1, t} \end{bmatrix} \hspace{6.5em} \varepsilon_t \sim N \left ( \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix} \sigma_{\varepsilon_1}^2 & 0 \\ 0 & \sigma_{\varepsilon_2}^2 \end{bmatrix} \right ) \\ \begin{bmatrix} \alpha_{1, t+1} \\ \alpha_{2, t+1} \end{bmatrix} & = \begin{bmatrix} \delta_1 & \delta_1 \\ 0 & \delta_3 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \alpha_{1, t} \\ \alpha_{2, t} \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} W_1 \\ W_2 \end{bmatrix} \hspace{3.em} \begin{bmatrix} W_1 \\ W_2 \end{bmatrix} \sim N \left ( \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix} \sigma_{W_1}^2 & 0 \\ 0 & \sigma_{W_2}^2 \end{bmatrix} \right ) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]


[ ]:
true_values = {
    "var_e1": 0.01,
    "var_e2": 0.01,
    "var_w1": 0.01,
    "var_w2": 0.01,
    "delta1": 0.8,
    "delta2": 0.5,
    "delta3": 0.7,

def gen_data_for_model3():
    # Starting values
    alpha1_0 = 2.1
    alpha2_0 = 1.1

    t_max = 500

    def gen_i(alpha1, s):
        return alpha1 * s + np.sqrt(true_values["var_e1"]) * np.random.randn()

    def gen_m_hat(alpha2):
        return 1 * alpha2 + np.sqrt(true_values["var_e2"]) * np.random.randn()

    def gen_alpha1(alpha1, alpha2):
        w1 = np.sqrt(true_values["var_w1"]) * np.random.randn()
        return true_values["delta1"] * alpha1 + true_values["delta2"] * alpha2 + w1

    def gen_alpha2(alpha2):
        w2 = np.sqrt(true_values["var_w2"]) * np.random.randn()
        return true_values["delta3"] * alpha2 + w2

    s_t = 0.3 + np.sqrt(1.4) * np.random.randn(t_max)
    i_hat = np.empty(t_max)
    m_hat = np.empty(t_max)

    current_alpha1 = alpha1_0
    current_alpha2 = alpha2_0
    for t in range(t_max):
        # Obs eqns
        i_hat[t] = gen_i(current_alpha1, s_t[t])
        m_hat[t] = gen_m_hat(current_alpha2)

        # state eqns
        new_alpha1 = gen_alpha1(current_alpha1, current_alpha2)
        new_alpha2 = gen_alpha2(current_alpha2)

        # Update states for next period
        current_alpha1 = new_alpha1
        current_alpha2 = new_alpha2

    return i_hat, m_hat, s_t

i_hat, m_hat, s_t = gen_data_for_model3()



1) __init__ 函式從以下變更:

def __init__(self, y_t, x_t, w_t):
        exog = np.c_[x_t, w_t]

        super(TVRegressionExtended, self).__init__(
            endog=y_t, exog=exog, k_states=2,

        self.ssm['design'] = exog.T[np.newaxis, :, :]  # shaped 1 x 2 x nobs
        self.ssm['selection'] = np.eye(self.k_states)
        self.ssm['transition'] = np.eye(self.k_states)

def __init__(self, i_t: np.array, s_t: np.array, m_t: np.array):

        exog = np.c_[s_t, np.repeat(1, len(s_t))]  # exog.shape => (nobs, 2)

        super(MultipleYsModel, self).__init__(
            endog=np.c_[i_t, m_t], exog=exog, k_states=2,

        self.ssm['design'] = np.zeros((self.k_endog, self.k_states, self.nobs))
        self.ssm['design', 0, 0, :] = s_t
        self.ssm['design', 1, 1, :] = 1

請注意,我們不必在任何地方指定 k_endog。初始化會在檢查 endog 矩陣的維度後為我們執行此操作。

2) update() 函式


def update(self, params, **kwargs):
    params = super(TVRegressionExtended, self).update(params, **kwargs)

    self['obs_intercept', 0, 0] = params[0]
    self['obs_cov', 0, 0] = params[1]

    self['state_cov'] = np.diag(params[2:4])
    self['transition', 0, 0] = params[4]
    self['transition', 1, 1] = params[5]

def update(self, params, **kwargs):
    params = super(MultipleYsModel, self).update(params, **kwargs)

    #The following line is not needed (by default, this matrix is initialized by zeroes),
    #But I leave it here so the dimensions are clearer
    self['obs_intercept'] = np.repeat([np.array([0, 0])], self.nobs, axis=0).T
    self['obs_cov', 0, 0] = params[0]
    self['obs_cov', 1, 1] = params[1]

    self['state_cov'] = np.diag(params[2:4])
    #delta1, delta2, delta3
    self['transition', 0, 0] = params[4]
    self['transition', 0, 1] = params[5]
    self['transition', 1, 1] = params[6]


[ ]:
starting_values = {
    "var_e1": 0.2,
    "var_e2": 0.1,
    "var_w1": 0.15,
    "var_w2": 0.18,
    "delta1": 0.7,
    "delta2": 0.1,
    "delta3": 0.85,

class MultipleYsModel(sm.tsa.statespace.MLEModel):
    def __init__(self, i_t: np.array, s_t: np.array, m_t: np.array):

        exog = np.c_[s_t, np.repeat(1, len(s_t))]  # exog.shape => (nobs, 2)

        super(MultipleYsModel, self).__init__(
            endog=np.c_[i_t, m_t], exog=exog, k_states=2, initialization="diffuse"

        self.ssm["design"] = np.zeros((self.k_endog, self.k_states, self.nobs))
        self.ssm["design", 0, 0, :] = s_t
        self.ssm["design", 1, 1, :] = 1

        # These have ok shape. Placeholders since I'm changing them
        # in the update() function
        self.ssm["selection"] = np.eye(self.k_states)
        self.ssm["transition"] = np.eye(self.k_states)

        # Dictionary of positions to names
        self.position_dict = OrderedDict(
            var_e1=1, var_e2=2, var_w1=3, var_w2=4, delta1=5, delta2=6, delta3=7
        self.initial_values = starting_values
        self.positive_parameters = slice(0, 4)

    def param_names(self):
        return list(self.position_dict.keys())

    def start_params(self):
        Initial values
        # (optional) Use scale for var_e1 and var_e2 starting values
        params = np.r_[
        return params

    def transform_params(self, unconstrained):
        If you need to restrict parameters
        For example, variances should be > 0
        Parameters maybe have to be within -1 and 1
        constrained = unconstrained.copy()
        constrained[self.positive_parameters] = (
            constrained[self.positive_parameters] ** 2
        return constrained

    def untransform_params(self, constrained):
        Need to reverse what you did in transform_params()
        unconstrained = constrained.copy()
        unconstrained[self.positive_parameters] = (
            unconstrained[self.positive_parameters] ** 0.5
        return unconstrained

    def update(self, params, **kwargs):
        params = super(MultipleYsModel, self).update(params, **kwargs)

        # The following line is not needed (by default, this matrix is initialized by zeroes),
        # But I leave it here so the dimensions are clearer
        self["obs_intercept"] = np.repeat([np.array([0, 0])], self.nobs, axis=0).T

        self["obs_cov", 0, 0] = params[0]
        self["obs_cov", 1, 1] = params[1]

        self["state_cov"] = np.diag(params[2:4])

        # delta1, delta2, delta3
        self["transition", 0, 0] = params[4]
        self["transition", 0, 1] = params[5]
        self["transition", 1, 1] = params[6]
[ ]:
mod = MultipleYsModel(i_hat, s_t, m_hat)
res = mod.fit()


額外內容:使用 pymc3 進行快速貝氏估計

在本節中,我將展示如何取得您的自訂狀態空間模型,並輕鬆將其插入 pymc3 並使用貝氏方法進行估計。特別是,此範例將向您展示使用稱為無轉彎採樣器 (NUTS) 的漢密爾頓蒙特卡羅版本的估計。


[ ]:
# Extra requirements
import pymc3 as pm
import theano
import theano.tensor as tt

我們需要定義一些輔助函數,將 Theano 連接到我們模型中隱含的概似函數。

[ ]:
class Loglike(tt.Op):

    itypes = [tt.dvector]  # expects a vector of parameter values when called
    otypes = [tt.dscalar]  # outputs a single scalar value (the log likelihood)

    def __init__(self, model):
        self.model = model
        self.score = Score(self.model)

    def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
        (theta,) = inputs  # contains the vector of parameters
        llf = self.model.loglike(theta)
        outputs[0][0] = np.array(llf)  # output the log-likelihood

    def grad(self, inputs, g):
        # the method that calculates the gradients - it actually returns the
        # vector-Jacobian product - g[0] is a vector of parameter values
        (theta,) = inputs  # our parameters
        out = [g[0] * self.score(theta)]
        return out

class Score(tt.Op):
    itypes = [tt.dvector]
    otypes = [tt.dvector]

    def __init__(self, model):
        self.model = model

    def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
        (theta,) = inputs
        outputs[0][0] = self.model.score(theta)

我們會再次模擬用於模型 1 的數據。我們也會再次 fit 它,並保存結果,以便與我們得到的貝氏後驗分佈進行比較。

[ ]:
y_t, x_t, w_t, beta_x, beta_w = gen_data_for_model1()
[ ]:
mod = TVRegression(y_t, x_t, w_t)
res_mle = mod.fit(disp=False)



[ ]:
# Set sampling params
ndraws = 3000  #  3000 number of draws from the distribution
nburn = 600  # 600 number of "burn-in points" (which will be discarded)
[ ]:
# Construct an instance of the Theano wrapper defined above, which
# will allow PyMC3 to compute the likelihood and Jacobian in a way
# that it can make use of. Here we are using the same model instance
# created earlier for MLE analysis (we could also create a new model
# instance if we preferred)
loglike = Loglike(mod)

with pm.Model():
    # Priors
    intercept = pm.Uniform("intercept", 1, 10)
    var_e = pm.InverseGamma("var.e", 2.3, 0.5)
    var_x_coeff = pm.InverseGamma("var.x.coeff", 2.3, 0.1)
    var_w_coeff = pm.InverseGamma("var.w.coeff", 2.3, 0.1)

    # convert variables to tensor vectors
    theta = tt.as_tensor_variable([intercept, var_e, var_x_coeff, var_w_coeff])

    # use a DensityDist (use a lamdba function to "call" the Op)
    pm.DensityDist("likelihood", loglike, observed=theta)

    # Draw samples
    trace = pm.sample(

後驗分佈與 MLE 估計相比如何?

明顯地,峰值集中在 MLE 估計值附近。

[ ]:
results_dict = {
    "intercept": res_mle.params[0],
    "var.e": res_mle.params[1],
    "var.x.coeff": res_mle.params[2],
    "var.w.coeff": res_mle.params[3],
_ = pm.plot_trace(
    lines=[(k, {}, [v]) for k, v in dict(results_dict).items()],
    figsize=(12, 12),
